Thursday, May 31, 2012

Changing Quickly

What An Angel When He is Asleep
While I'm Working........
You might notice in the background the items
he tore up  before he went to sleep....

WOW it is amazing how fast he is changing every day. In less than a week, while he is still full of energy when you wind him up or when "HIS" Laura is around, he is remaining much calmer and relaxed more of the time. He is seeming to understand when it is rest time and when it is play time. He is also quickly getting bigger. We are going to weigh him tonight so we have a point of reference from this point forward. While he is doing a good job of only eating what he is given, you can really tell he comes from a hunting line of dogs as he is sniffing everywhere! And he is a beagle for sure as he wants to chew on everything and last night he found a stick which was about an inch around and three foot long but he was just carrying it around like it was a little twig...the funny part was when he misjudged the length of the stick and it hit a tree and knocked him backwards. He was definitely dumbfounded as ti what had just happened.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Funny Firsts

Today was the first time I cut the lawn with the dog outside. It was fairly funny since I had made my mind up before starting that I would quit if Buzz insisted on getting too close. Well luckily he didn't but he didn't like it at first. He just stood back and yelped at the mower. Then he got brave and would jump at the mower like he was trying to sneak up on it and scare it (but he was far enough back to not get hurt) and then he would run as fast as possible just safely outside the area I was mowing and watch quietly for about two rounds in the yard and then come back and do it again.
He also spent his first day with me alone as mom had to work today and Laura was at school. While he wanted to try to use the computer, I wouldn't let him. Instead of getting mad, he just laid down and went to sleep on my feet. (I am still amazed I'm letting him in the house so much) When I got done with my meetings, we went to the back deck and he played all afternoon in the yard while I worked on my computer. But I did learn not to let him in the back yard by himself as he has found a way out. I guess he is small enough to fit through the fence gate and pole connection.
We are also trying to get him accustomed to his new crate in the house. He doesn't like it one bit and will let you know. Luckily he seems to get whined and yelped out after a while and then lays down and goes to sleep.
I am looking forward to a week from this Sunday when he will get the opportunity to meet the Shrine Mascot I have for this year ....Bumbles the Bee
Tonight he also got over his fear of the fire pit as we had a fire and he jumped into my arms in the fire pit area and sat down with me and went to sleep in my arms. Spoiled already….and I’m referring to the dog …not me…

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Good News

Buzz continues to get comfortable with his new home and has decided the back yard is his new kingdom though he still isn't too sure about the sand at the fire pit in the backyard or the straw and cedar chips that I put into the kennel to make it a little softer on his little body for now. He is getting better at sleeping when he should though his snoring (or is it buzzing) seems to be getting louder and he really likes TV (hopefully he won't become a couch potato). He definitely knows Laura as his new mom and when she went to school today searched the house for a few minutes looking for her.While I had insisted Buzz would be an outdoor dog, he is definitely getting plenty of inside time as he is already unbelievably good at going to the door when he needs out to do his duty. But I think what he likes best is playing in the yard and I've already had to warn my neighbor not to spoil him too bad since he always goes to the fence to look for him when he is out.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Parade Day

Today was his first parade with the Shrine and while he was just sitting on the sidelines watching the parade go by...he was the hit of the parade. Everyone fell in love with him and we noticed today that he has a little mark on his neck in the shape of a heart.  After the parade he got to play in a private park which he thought was his own.

Laura with Buzz and I am the one with the yellow and black shirt...and the one with the sign on the car with a bee on it

He is already learning new tricks like climbing up on the deck in the back yard and he loves playing with plastic bottles. Surprisingly, he is really getting good about going to the door and crying to go out when he needs to use the bathroom. Hopefully he is potty training himself.

Buzz with our friend Carol
who wanted to take him home

Last night was a little better sleeping wise, he did a few times! We also learned to take him for walks just before bed to try to wear him out. He also likes to snuggle and at times he thinks he is a jumping bean as he likes to jump up in the air and for you to "make him dance". He is already starting to get the hang of "Buzz Off" and right now when he tries to howl it is cute...though that will most likely pass quickly.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day Two

Well while I probably won't be Blogging every day about Sir Buzzington's adventures, we have learned one thing he doesn't like to sleep much and when he does it isn't for long. In addition, he like to whine until he gets his way. Today,  he got to meet Laura's Grandma and then we went over to my younger sisters house for a family dinner. My 5 year old neice also wore him out for a while and when he went to sleep he started snoring. But fear not as he was quickly up and back playing.

Look at me ...Buzz is everywhere

My First Day Home

At home with my mom and siblings

On my way to my new home
Hey Look my name is on this sign!

CHillin in the back of my Black and Yellow VW Bug Convertible

Ok...I am cute in my bee outfit ...right?
Today was Sir Buzzington's first day at his new home. In case you were wondering.... Sir Buzzington is a beagle. He is just over 8 weeks old right now. Here you can read about his life, trials, tribulations and travels. He really seemed to be okay with traveling as we took him to meet the family including our 5 year old cousin, Kenlee. Later, more of the family, our neighbor and one of our best friends came over to see the new addition to the family. Then came his first night away from Mom and it really was rough as he played a while sleep a few minutes and then wanted to go back out and play (again and again and again).

Sleeping with Laura and Kenlee