Well, Buzz is definitely getting a personality which is shining through clearly. Today was his second parade and he really seems to be soaking up all the attention. In fact when one person walked by him without saying how cute he was, he started pouting. This parade was different than the last in that the parade was at the Ohio Masonic Home and the folks attending the parade are advanced in years. He also loved the fact that he was "borrowed" by a friend for a little while who had recently lost her beagle. He also had several others who stopped by to tell their stories about when they had their beagles years ago. It was definitely nice to see several folks face "light up" when they saw him and indicated that he made them remember a time long ago.
He also continues to remind us that he is a puppy as he wants to "mark" his territory and as we try to get him crate trained he continues to protest. One nice thing is he is already grown enough that he can no longer get through most of the areas of the fence which I mentioned he could find a way to squeeze through last week. And Buzz has also taught my 16 year old a good lesson...having young ones is a lot of work and at times cuts into your social life fun. Since Buzz is her dog, we have made her stay with him several times when we needed to go out for a short period of time. As she is still working to get her drivers license, her and Buzz where "home alone". But the good part will hopefully be that soon Buzz will get crate trained and I'm sure when my daughter gets her license, Buzz (in his doggie seat belt of course) and her will be driving around with his ears flowing in the wind.
Next weekend Buzz is going to the lake so he is off to the pet store to get a life jacket. Life is good when you are a dog.